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Враження читача про прочитану книжку «Віскі для Бонда… Примітки перекладача»
Dear author,
I have just finished reading your book, which brought me a lot of great satisfaction and pleasure. I enjoyed the picturesque description of the translator’s hard work, imagined and visualized how difficult and troublesome it was (and it is) to translate, to convey the foreign author’s thoughts and feelings into another language. I liked the variety and richness of the Ukrainian language used by the author of this book, I am fascinated with boundless intelligence of the writer. I used to be just a military interpreter many years ago, so I knew and I still know what it means to be a skillful intermediate between the sender and the receiver of the information. So I want to express my gratitude to you for your job and wish you all the best!
Julian Semenchuk, Lviv Ivan Franko University graduate, 1982.